Travel guide
Address of Zselic Valley Leisure Farm
GPS coordinates of Zselic Valley Leisure Farm
46.2766047 17.9110822
Nearby International Airports
Transport from Budapest to Zselic Valley Leisure Farm
Transport between Budapest and Zselic Valley will be provided to speaker and full auditor and accompanying. The bus will leave Budapest city center at 11 AM on June 25 and will make a stop at the airport. It will leave the airport at noon.
Bus will leave Zselic toward airport and Budapest around 10 AM on June 28 and should arrive at the airport no later than 2 PM.
The meeting point in the city center is given here.
The meeting point at the airport will be provided later.
Other nights & meals in Zselic
Valley Leisure Farm
It is possible to book rooms to extend your stay. Please contact the hotel office at info@zselicvolgy.hu and specify that you are participating to LPTMM 2019 meeting to get the special rates. In this case you have to reach and leave the site by your own way.