Abstract & poster guidelines
A short < 1 page abstract should be send till January 20 2019. The Abstract booklet and Final program will be distributed to participants at the workshop. Authors are required to use the following WORD template to prepare an abstract and to submit it electronically:
Please do not modify the characteristics of these templates (fonts, margins, spacing, etc.)
Please email abstracts as attachments to martin.aube@cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca and cc to kocifaj@savba.sk
Selected papers for publication in the special JQSRT issue
Elsevier System open for submissions: August 1st, 2019
Submission deadline: November 30, 2019
Final acceptance decision deadline : May 30, 2020
Short title of the special issue as it will appear in Elsevier submission portal: LPTMM2019
Publication fees: There are no publication fees until you require color figures printed in paper-version of JQSRT or open access article.
Your poster should be no more than A0 in size (841 x 1189 mm) 1189 mm is the height. Font size must be larger or equal to 18.
It should include:
Your name
Contact details
Your main thesis or research objective
A summary of ideas, arguments, and wider issues raised by your research