The registration process is now open
Speaker Early bird rates before April 15
Speaker Late registration after April 15 and before May 15
Speaker and full auditor registrations includes:
Lodging for 3 nights
3 breakfasts
3 lunches
3 Dinners
5 Coffee breaks
Social activities
Apéritifs drinks
Abstract booklet and materials
Bus transportation between Budapest and Zselic Valley
Accompanying fees excludes coffee breaks, conference talks, proceedings and materials but includes meals, lodging, apéritif drinks and visit. Accompanying is assumed to be in shared rooms.
Day Auditors are non speaker participants who do not sleep on site. Only lunch, coffee breaks, aperitif drinks, social activities and abstract booklet are included. Materials are excluded.
Early bird speaker and full auditor registration
Single occ. -------------------------- 420 EURO
Double occ. ------------------------- 350 EURO
Single occ. -------------------------- 320 EURO
Double occ. ------------------------- 250 EURO
Day Auditor -------------------------- 70 EURO
Accompanying (in shared rooms) ---- 330 EURO
Late registration
Single occ. -------------------------- 470 EURO
Double occ. ------------------------ 400 EURO
Single occ. -------------------------- 370 EURO
Double occ. ------------------------ 300 EURO
Day Auditor ------------------------- 100 EURO
Accompanying (in shared rooms) ---- 350 EURO
To register please fill the two following forms and send them to the email indicated.