Abstract & poster guidelines
A short (maximum 1 page; figures allowed) abstract should be sent till March 15, 2024. The abstract is required both for oral and poster presentations. The abstract booklet and final program will be distributed to participants before the workshop. Authors are required to use the following WORD template to prepare an abstract and to submit it electronically:
Abstract ms word template link
Please do not modify the characteristics of these templates (fonts, margins, spacing, etc.)
Please email abstracts as attachments to stefan.wallner@univie.ac.at
Selected papers for publication in the special JQSRT issue
It is planned that a special issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) will be published in relationship with Light Pollution Theory Modelling and Measurement. All papers included in this special issue will undergo a rigorous peer review process. Only papers related to subject areas and topics of JQSRT are suitable for publication. The special issue will be ready to receive articles some after the meeting. The dates will be indicated soon and presented at the conference.
At the conference venue, there will be space to accommodate posters and own sessions for their presentations are planned. There is no template to use, however, please print them in A0 portrait format (118.9cm x 84.1cm), so we can plan ahead with the necessary space requirement. If you want your abstract to be considered as poster solely (no oral presentation) please indicate so when sending it.