Theme: Need of measurement standards in light pollution science
Topics for contributed papers include
This LPTMM meeting will focus on recent advances in scientific research on light pollution and its impacts on various areas including astronomy, ecology, human health, spatial planning and many more. A special focus will be devoted to current challenges in measurements and modelling to be addressed in these exciting research fields for the future. The specific goal of this edition of LPTMM is to discuss the need of measurement standards, taking a closer look on the true effectiveness of current used techniques and analysis approaches, find novel approaches in their usage and the importance and complementarity of modelling techniques.
In addition to talks and poster presentations, round tables shall serve as space for detailed debates and exchanges on various topics. Complementary to the scientific sessions, excursions are planned for all participants. Especially the International Dark Sky Park Attersee-Traunsee shall serve as place for discussions on protection of the dark and natural night sky and the use of artificial light outdoors.
The study of light pollution is undergoing a renaissance due to development of high-performance computers that can significantly reduce the time needed for more accurate numerical simulations. Theoretical solutions, numerical modelling, and field campaigns represent diverse approaches to the analysis, prediction, and characterization of light pollution levels and behaviour.
The meeting aims to bring together the experts in that field to discuss the current state of the art and to formulate new research directions. The conference aims to facilitate a more intensive development in this field of research.
A - Theoretical concepts of modelling light pollution
B - Numerical tools and simulation experiments
C - Effects of atmospheric aerosols, clouds, terrain, and obstacles on light pollution
D - Impact of spectral and angular characteristics of light sources and reflecting surfaces
E - Observational techniques, instrumentation, data, and products
F - Design and evaluation of dark sky friendly lighting technologies, regulations and outreach