Theme: Research challenges in LPTMM: The next ten years
Topics for contributed papers include
This LPTMM meeting will focus on recent advances in scientific research on light pollution and its impacts on astronomical observations, human health and the natural environment. A special effort will be devoted to identifying the challenges to be addressed in these exciting research fields for the next ten years. The specific goal of this edition of LPTMM is to prioritize and anticipate the most promising lines of research, in order to foster international collaboration within the 2032 horizon. Once identified the research opportunities and needs, the focus will be on the modelling and measurements methods to estimate the impact.
Complementary to the scientific sessions, several specific training courses on selected theoretical and experimental techniques and tools will be scheduled during the meeting. These training opportunities, of general interest for researchers of all levels of experience, aim to disseminate and optimize the use of the resources already developed by the light pollution research community. Free sharing of knowledge and mutual support have been key assets for the rapid development of our field.
The study of light pollution is undergoing a renaissance due to development of high-performance computers that can significantly reduce the time needed for more accurate numerical simulations. Theoretical solutions, numerical modelling, and field campaigns represent diverse approaches to the analysis, prediction, and characterization of light pollution levels and behaviour.
The meeting aims to bring together the experts in that field to discuss the current state of the art and to formulate new research directions. The conference aims to facilitate a more intensive development in this field of research.
A - Theoretical concepts of modelling light pollution
B - Numerical tools and simulation experiments
C - Effects of atmospheric aerosols, clouds, terrain, and obstacles on light pollution
D - Impact of spectral and angular characteristics of light sources and reflecting surfaces
E - Observational techniques, instrumentation, data, and products
F - Design and evaluation of dark sky friendly lighting technologies, regulations and outreach